Focus Electric gets new Facebook page

jay-leno-ford-focusWe’re on the waiting list for a Nissan LEAF but, as we’ve written elsewhere, we find the Ford Focus Electric intriguing.

It’s looking like the Focus Electric could possibly come to market around the same time as the LEAF here in Colorado, too. This makes the Focus Electric that much more intriguing – we definitely want to be one of the first in Colorado to own one of the new generation production electric vehicles, and to power it with home-grown solar energy.

Unfortunately, Ford has no web site devoted to the Focus Electric, and no central informatinon clearinghouse on it. As far as we can tell, neither does anyone else.

That’s a big information hole.

In order to help fill it, we’ve started a Facebook Page on the Focus Electric. We’ve given it kind of a long title, “Solar Charged Driving’s Ford Focus Electric Info Center.”

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We thought about just going with “Ford Focus Electric” but worried that someone at Ford would ask Facebook to take a page with that name down.

Our Ford Focus Electric Info Center is really your Center. That’s because we’re going to rely on you, folks interested in the Focus Electric, to post news and information about the Focus Electric to the “Solar Charged Driving Ford Focus Electric” page.

If enough of us do this – yes, we’ll post stuff, too, we should be able to build something that so far Ford hasn’t bothered to: A central online news and information clearinghouse about the Focus Electric.

Please help us out by:

We look forward to working with you to build an online news center for the Ford Focus Electric.

Click on the photo below to go to our Facebook page on the Ford Focus Electric –>
