After 13 years of advocating for electric vehicles and eight years of driving one, I am still fighting the same battles on misinformation about EVs: One of the biggest myths about EVs is that they are "too expensive."
You know what? I often do not believe people when they claim — “It’s too expensive for me to do...
I have a dream, a dream of being mostly off-grid and self-reliant while also remaining on the electric grid. That...
I love it when some electric vehicle advocates contend, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, that the environmental rationale is not the primary rationale for switching from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles.
It's hard to say what the most common logically fallacious and just plain bad and weak argument is that a diminishing but also ever louder --- because they are DESPERATE -- pro-fossil fuel group seeks to put forward against electric vehicles and renewable energy.
I am very committed to doing many things to reduce my environmental and carbon footprint.