I love it when some electric vehicle advocates contend, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, that the environmental rationale is not the primary rationale for switching from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles.
It's hard to say what the most common logically fallacious and just plain bad and weak argument is that a diminishing but also ever louder --- because they are DESPERATE -- pro-fossil fuel group seeks to put forward against electric vehicles and renewable energy.
I am very committed to doing many things to reduce my environmental and carbon footprint.
A new study from Sense and Singularity Energy has demonstrated the potential for significant carbon reductions from electric vehicle (EV)...
To the right-wing folks who are INCORRECTLY claiming greening the grid caused the power outages in Texas: YOU ARE WRONG!
Yes, I know, during the winter it can be rather nice to have milder and milder winters, but the long-term repercussions of disappearing winter are rather extreme and severe. These include, but are not limited to: Less snow, less moisture, less water, more parched forests, more forest fires and, of course, more death and severe economic costs as well.