Producing extra solar electricity annually while also charging three electric vehicles = priceless! And super green! That’s what we’re doing...
With gas prices rising to an average of nearly $5 per gallon in the United States, a lot of people are complaining.
I love it when some electric vehicle advocates contend, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, that the environmental rationale is not the primary rationale for switching from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles.
It's hard to say what the most common logically fallacious and just plain bad and weak argument is that a diminishing but also ever louder --- because they are DESPERATE -- pro-fossil fuel group seeks to put forward against electric vehicles and renewable energy.
This article, "The fastest way to get more people to buy electric vehicles: America’s EV charging station infrastructure is woefully lacking" by Vox reporter Ella Nilsen, which focuses on how sufficient (DCFC) charging infrastructure is crucial to more widespread EV adoption got me to thinking ...
No, electric vehicles are not too expensive. In many cases, electric vehicles are cheaper to buy, they are always cheaper to fuel, and they are also cheaper to maintain.