I've been itching to do a road trip in my 2020 Chevy Bolt between the Denver, Colo. area, where I live, and Northwestern Wyoming, Southern Montana, home to Grand Teton National and Yellowstone National Park, for awhile.
I have to say, as a journalist and journalism teacher it is very disappointing to see pack journalism that pushes what is now clearly coming out as INCORRECT information out, and then the sheep jump on, and it’s off to the non-factual, sensationalist races.
I've been driving a leased 2017 Chevy Bolt LT since Sept. 2017. It's been a great little car: Zippy, fun, quiet, fuel efficient. It's got plenty of range (238 miles), including enough range for a 2,400-mile round-trip road trip I did with my teen daughters from Denver to Santa Barbara, Calif. and back in the Summer of 2018.
There is a lot of misinformation and outright anti-Electric Vehicle propaganda circulating on the internet. After all, BIG OIL and its moneyed interests have A LOT to lose if the world converts to electric vehicles which are far more environmentally and health friendly than any gasoline vehicle ever will be.
Tesla took the promotion of solar-charged driving up a notch recently with a package that saw a Tesla Model X tow a solar tiny house with a solar system on its roof capable of charging the Model X.
t's been a whirlwind 24 hours for Tesla, Elon Musk, electric vehicles, sledgehammers and metal balls and smashed windows with Musk's much anticipated and ballyhooed Cyber Truck making its debut last night live on the Internet.