The video below is a GREAT ad for the cost savings that you can generate, right from the start, when you buy or lease an electric car and fuel it with electricity generated by a home solar system.
Long-time solar-charged driver Benjamin Nelson is a GREAT spokesperson for EV + PV. So I will let him do the “talking” via his YouTube video — and his blog post, which you can find here: https://300mpg.org/2019/08/08/july-2019-electric-bill/
I’ll just note, once more, that you can SAVE BIG TIME when you combine an electric car with home solar. This is especially true in states that offer great electric car incentives such as California and Colorado — where I am lucky enough to live with my 2017 Chevy Bolt, and, I hope, a brand new garage solar system for the garages in the HOA I live in in Littleton, Colo., Highline Crossing Cohousing.
Enjoy Ben’s video!