3 steps to making leap from gas to solar

editors-blog-entry3Yes, solar can, and DOES, replace oil, despite what the so-called “expert” energy analysts claim — which is that solar is not in direct competition with oil.

The video above, which I produced today (June 27, 2015), illustrates that solar does indeed replace oil!

I’ve been using solar energy to replace oil for 18 months now in my 2014 Nissan LEAF. It’s been 100 percent powered with home solar generated electricity and so-called solar-offset generated electricity.

My 5.6 kW home solar system serves as my solar “gas” station. I haven’t pumped gas for any reason for 11 months (I rented a car on vacation in California in July 2014). This is great — because I HATE PUMPING GAS!

Don’t you?

Gas smells
Gas smells, you often have to pump in horrible weather (wind-driven snow in temps below zero is my ‘favorite’ gas pumping time), and a ream of scientific studies show that gas handles have more germs on them than any other public item!

Equally satisfiying, Big Oil hasn’t got a penny from me in almost a year, neither has OPEC — or ISIS, for that matter!

I’ve driven 18,000 Sun Miles® — miles driven by an electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) whose batteries have been charged using solar energy and/or using electricity from kWh credits amassed via solar offset generation — and saved thousands of dollars in gasoline costs.

Equally satisfiying, Big Oil hasn’t got a penny from me in almost a year, neither has OPEC — or ISIS, for that matter!

None of my fueling money has gone to the Dirty Tar Sands in Canada, or equally filthy tar sands operations here in the U.S., none of it has gone to fracking for oil in North Dakota, etc.

My hands are nearly 100 percent clean of the multiple rail car tanker explosions that have occurred in 2014 and 2015 (in buying goods, food, etc., I am responsible for some oil consumption; however, 90 percent of our oil consumption is through our own individual driving).

Zero emissions
I haven’t belched any pollutants from my car into anyone’s lungs — young childrens’ or old folks’ — in 18 months, I’ve radically cut my carbon footprint, and, best of all, I’m enjoying 100 percent domestic solar electricity production as my car’s fuel source, all of it generated directly on my home’s rooftop.

That means I’m experiencing near 100 percent fueling independence. Independence of any kind feels great, and dependence (actually, it’s really addiction) of any kind, in particular to oil, doesn’t feel good at all. In fact, it feels downright dirty.

So, there you have it: Leave gas behind and plug into solar-charged driving today. You won’t regret it.

It’s not only possible, it simply rocks — just like the video I put together today and embedded at the top of this post does 😉


Christof Demont-Heinrich
Editor & Founder SolarChargedDriving.Com (Since 2009!)

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