One of the biggest reasons I drive electric, and have been doing so for nearly six years, is to stick it to Big Oil. Big Oil destroys the air we breathe, the planet we live on and human and environmental health. It does so all in the name of generating as much profit as it can -- for as long as it can, regardless of the consequences on humanity, both present, and future, as well as on other living beings on the planet.
Solar-charged driving is on the road to taking over the world and Big Oil’s days are numbered, according to a report released by a financial analyst division of a large French banking multinational, BNP Paribas!
Meanwhile, while most people slept through it, and don’t even know much, if anything, about electric vehicles, EVs are on...
Yes, solar can, and DOES, replace oil, despite what the so-called “expert” energy analysts claim — which is that solar...