One of the most rewarding things about doing SolarChargedDriving.Com is the e-mail we receive, especially those e-mails in which readers tell us their individual solar-charged driving story.
We’ve been getting more and more of these in the past year, which is a clear indication that solar-charged driving is taking off – and not just in the U.S., as the following e-mail from Canadian resident Zsolt Zsoldos shows.
Thank you Zsolt for allowing us to share your story – and a great picture as well 🙂
Here’s the e-mail, which we received from Zsolt a couple of days ago–>
Greetings from Brampton, Ontario.
I have been a regular reader of your blog for quite a while now as I share your passion for solar PV as well as EV cars.
My house has received a PV “crown” last summer, a self-installed 3.3kW array with micro-inverters. The system is grid-tied as the Ontario government has a very nice micro-FIT incentive program.
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To complete the other side of the equation, I have been looking at the various EV options for more than a year, the Volt being more practical for the time being (with the current lack of quick charging stations in my area) while the pure electric ones representing the ultimate solution with zero emissions and less maintenance.
Unfortunately, the Canadian pricing of the [Nissan] LEAF has a ridiculous 20 percent surcharge over the U.S. price, bringing the total purchase price to the same point as the Volt — both of them well north of 40K, with tax and various other charges coming close to 50K, for which the government gives an 8K rebate here. I could not afford those.
But I finally found my solution: A few days ago I purchased the tiny Mitsubishi i-MiEV. It is a fun little car with a surprising amount of interior space for such a small car, and its “fuel” economy is amazing. It goes about 120 km on a full charge of its 16kWh battery pack.
So I just wanted to let you know that I am a new proud solar-charged driver.
Best regards,
Zsolt Zsoldos
Brampton, Ontario
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