You’d think that in “socialist” Germany everyone would be into the whole Big Centralized Utility thing while in “libertarian” America the vast majority of people would really be into individual, de-centralized electric power.
It’s just the opposite, actually. According to a story on TreeHugger.Com, 51 percent of all renewable electricity produced in Germany is generated by individually owned solar arrays and wind turbines.
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Here in the United States? Who knows?
Of course, the percentage of individually owned renewable energy is almost certainly lower given the seemingly contradictory American penchant to invest in big electricity producing schemes that literally take power away from the individual and give it to Big Centralized Utilities (BCUs).
These Big Centralized Utilities hold a sheer monopoly on electricity production. And monopolies and lack of free market choice are supposedly antithetical to Americans and the so-called American way of life.
Go figure.
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