We regularly read Jack Lucero Fleck’s Solar Power and Electric Cars blog. In fact, we also link to it off our home page (see the right hand column, about halfway down).
Jack’s got some great stuff up on the math of solar-charged driving, particularly as this relates to driving a Chevy Volt — which he does — and doing so in California — which is where he lives.
Jack’s also a relentless — and effective — critic of Big Oil and of climate change naysayers. But that’s not all: He’s got some creative, if also a bit quirky, material up that promotes solar-charged driving, or, really, the Chevy Volt + solar electricity combination.
For instance, the video clip embedded above. In it, Fleck changes the lyrics to a song from the musical Oklahoma, gets together with a piano playing friend and sings, yes, sings, an ode to the wonders of a solar-charged Volt.
‘Clever Little Chevy’
No, it’s not the highest-end recording. And it might not even be your music genre of choice. But say what you will about Fleck’s choice of music – I happen to think it works pretty well – there’s no doubt his lyrics are creative and catchy, if perhaps in an offbeat way, and that they’re nicely synced with the video clips he assembles to produce “Clever Little Chevy.”
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Of course, we can’t say for sure how long “Clever Little Chevy” will be playing on YouTube: Fleck uses the credits to advertise the fact that he doesn’t hold the copyright to the video he uses.
Here’s hoping neither YouTube, nor GM, nor CNN, etc. crack down on him. And here’s guessing they don’t — at least not for awhile. That noted, we recommend you take a look at Jack’s creative plug for plugging into solar-charged driving sooner rather than later, as our take on how YouTube approaches copyright issues could well be off the mark.
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