Social media aid push to end fossil fuel subsidies

fosil-fuel-subsidiesThe Big Boys with lots of money still hold the advantage in the battle between the fossil fuel industries and advocates of a cleaner, greener, healthier, safer, better renewable energy world for us all — can you tell which side we’re on ;-)?

However, social and online media such as Facebook, Twitter, and, in this case, innovative portable social media – projection machines placed on top of mobile vans – are helping even the playing field somewhat for the little guys.

In the case of the photo above, posted to the environmental advocacy group’s Facebook page, the little guys were trying to draw public attention to the outrageous government subsidies lavished upon the oil industry, one of the most profitable industries in the history of humankind.

While governments around the world, including, the U.S. government give multi-billion dollar boosts to an industry that clearly doesn’t need it, renewable energy forms such as wind, solar, geothermal, and wave power languish with one-twelfth, or less, of the amount of subsidies Big Fossil Fuel gets.

Out-of-control fossil fuel subsidies
Hats off to 350.Org – which focuses its efforts on combating climate change and taking on those most responsible for this intensifying global environmental disaster — for harnessing multiple forms of media in creative and innovative fashion to get the word out on out-of-control fossil fuel subsidies.

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It’s not a 30-second ad spot on CNN or a full page ad in the New York Times, but it’s definitely getting an important message out in an effective way that reaches millions around the world. Indeed, managed to inspire more than 100,000 #EndFossilFuelSubsidies Tweets yesterday!

It’s a sure thing that the fossil fuel industries aren’t listening in meaningful fashion. At least not yet – though, wouldn’t it be incredibly refreshing to see a Big Oil company completely break ranks and invest 90 percent of it’s R&D money and 100 percent of the profits it folds back into the company to develop renewable energy?

As public awareness of the fossil fuel industries’ sweet government subsidy deal that’s fleecing taxpayers around the world while aiding unprecedented environmental destruction grows, the pressure on those industries to change their approach in a big way is itself going to grow in a big way.

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