A solar PV powered ActiveE

moloughney-activee-solar-hoA picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, though in the case of the picture above — which shows long-time solar-charged driver Tom Moloughney’s BMW ActiveE electric car parked in front of Tom’s personal home solar fueling station, we might want to amend that saying to, “A picture is worth a thousand Sun Miles®,” as in EV miles powered by home solar generated electricity.

Actually, for Moloughney, it’s been way more than one thousand Sun Miles®. He’s already logged more than 5,000 solar-charged miles with the ActiveE, which he’s only had for a few months.

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BMW Mega City
Prior to that, Moloughney put tens of thousands of Sun Miles® on a Mini E, the precursor to the ActiveE. The ActiveE is itself a prototype for the BMW i3, often referred to as the BMW Mega City due out sometime in 2013.

Moloughney, who we first profiled two years ago on SolarChargedDriving.Com, and who we recently named as one of the East Coast’s leading EV advocates, has been a tireless and eloquent spokesperson for EVs and for EV + PV.

You can follow Tom’s solar-charged ActiveE driving exploits at http://activeemobility.blogspot.com/

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