Say goodbye to rising gas prices forever

sun-gas-sign-for-free1Tired of rollercoaster gas prices?

You don’t have to resign yourself to a lifetime of being held hostage to the latest whims of oil futures traders, political unrest in the Middle East, or Big Oil.

In fact, nothing is worse than feeling like you have absolutely no control over something that affects your everyday life so profoundly.

Take back control
You’ve got the power to take back control of your life and say goodbye to that feeling of sheer helplessness in the face of spiking gasoline prices here in the U.S.

All you need is three things: A home rooftop + a solar PV system + a plug-in vehicle.

Find a way to put these three things together in your life and – poof – literally overnight you’ll be saying goodbye to the addiction to oil that’s driven so many in the U.S. to angrily complain that the President has got to lower gasoline prices.

[News flash: Just like you, the President – doesn’t matter if he’s Bush or Obama — has essentially no control over gasoline prices. In fact, despite rising U.S. oil production, gas prices are still up in the U.S. Check out New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman’s ‘Natural Born Drillers’ for a scathing rebuttal of the ridiculous claim that the U.S. can drill its way out of higher gas prices.]

blackwood-mini-frontEV + PV Freedom Package
Yes, we know solar-charged driving isn’t easy to leap into for a lot of folks. Heck, we ourselves only have the solar part of the EV + PV Freedom From Oil Package right now.

But for everyone person who can’t afford the upfront costs of EV + PV – which, by the way, will be more than offset by long-term savings in the majority of cases – there’s at least one who can but who, for a variety of reasons, has not yet plugged into solar-charged driving.

If you’re one of those people, and you’ve had it with rollercoaster gasoline prices in the U.S., what are you waiting for?

The smiling solar-charged driver
Go out and get home solar PV, replace your gasoline stinker with a pure EV like a Nissan LEAF, Mitsubishi iMiEV, or Ford Focus Electric, or, if it makes more sense for you, with a plug-in hybrid EV like a Chevy Volt, and take charge of your car-fueling and car-driving existence like you never have before.

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You won’t regret it — believe us. But don’t take our word for it, just ask the thousands of people who already have their own home Solar Gas Stations and a solar-charged EV that’s cranking out what we at SolarChargedDriving.Com call Sun Miles®.

These folks are smiling, big time! This at the very same time that their helpless — or maybe we should say hopeless — neighbors are bitching endlessly about their supposedly complete impotence in the face of skyrocketing gasoline prices.

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