Turns out going solar is contagious: It inspires neighbors to go solar too.
A study by a few interprid folks over at 1 Block Off the Grid shows that if you have a neighbor with solar panels on his or her house, you’re more than twice as likely to go solar yourself than if none of your neighbors have solar.
As 1BOG puts it –>
“If you already have solar panels for your home or are considering going solar, the positive effects of your decision are bigger than you think. Putting solar on your roof doesn’t just make your own home energy independent; it makes your home a beacon for energy independence in your neighborhood.”
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So, this Holiday Season, why not give neighbors what has to be one of the best, longest lasting, and most meaningful gifts you could ever give: Go solar and start a solar movement in your neighborhood while helping to build a global solar movement along the way.
And there’s an added bonus: With solar, you and your neighbors can say goodbye to that lump of coal in your utility bill, perhaps completely.
Related articles–>
- Solar, solar everywhere
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- Solar firm discovers solar-charged driving
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