Not many people know about solar-charged driving, at least not yet. But when you explain it to them and advertise it to them – as Nissan is now doing with SunPower via the very cool Flash video above, they inevitably react positively to it.
Rather than just tell you about this, we thought we’d show you just how enthusiastically people react to EV + PV when they hear about it.
Nissan recently posted a link to the video that illustrates the EV + PV synergy embedded at the top of this entry to its LEAF Facebook page, and dozens and dozens of folks responded. Here’s some of what they had to say–>
Sherry Nicholson: What a great idea. Good going, Nissan!
- Dorian Porrata Morales: Yeah! That makes sense.
- David Faas: What a fantastically great, patriotic thing to do: 1. Decrease our need for foreign oil 2. Help the world’s environment. Have put down my deposit for a LEAF and, as an Iraq War Combat Veteran, will order the charging assessment this Friday on Veterans Day. Will get a second and third job to pay for the LEAF and all!!
- Ann Beard Shahid: This is absolutely the right direction. No fossil fuels used to fuel the car!
And then there are the many folks out there who are solar-charged driving experts, because they’re already doing it, or are about to do it. Check it out–>
- Obandos Elvin: Nissan LEAF will be my new solar vehicle!
- Gus Ayer: Already have a PV system on order to power my LEAF and my house. It surprised me how good the return was on the investment.
- Joseph Huang: Already, got SunPower, just need a Leaf!
- Santiago Ortiz: We already do [charge our LEAF] with our SunPower PV array.
- Jack Chen: I have used the SunPower solar panels (to be precise, solar roof tiles) to charge my Nissan LEAF since the day my LEAF arrived (in July). It works very well.
- Barry Koval: We had a 5.04kW photovoltaic system installed a year ago. It has been great! Living in Phoenix in an all-electric house it is able to cut my bills by more than half . . .The LEAF completes the equation since I can fill up with sunshine instead of dirty oil. Solar and EVs go together like bees and honey.
- Phil Tipper: We’ve had a 5 kW solar roof for almost five years and it powers our LEAF for about 7,000 miles per year purely on solar power, and our total bill for our home use and charging our LEAF looks like it is going to be ZERO for our net metering year because of Time of Use rates from Southern California Edison (we don’t use air conditioning in the house).
- Ronald Perkins: Been there, done that. In the winter (without A/C on) I am net zero energy for the house and the Leaf charging. True zero emission driving. Happy days.
- Wendy Wartes: We have a Sunergy system, 10.1 kW that does 60% of home (3,000 sq. feet) and 10,000 miles on the Leaf annually in rainy Seattle.
- Darel Ison: I love my solar panels and my LEAF!!!
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