Have an electric car you’re powering with home-grown solar energy?
Also have a vanity license plate that advertises this to the world, such as the one in the picture above of Oregon resident Patrick Connor’s solar-charged Nissan LEAF?
Or maybe you’ve got a bumper sticker promoting EV + PV, or, possibly a bumper sticker and a vanity license plate?
Or perhaps you’ve gone even further and ad-wrapped your EV to advertise the fact that it runs on sun? (We hope to do this when EVs finally arrive in Colorado!)
Send us your pictures!
Or maybe you know someone who’s done one, or all, of the above, and you can take a picture and/or video of their solar-charged car.
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If so, please send us pictures and/or video of your “vanity” solar-charged vehicle’s plates and/or stickers and we’ll publish them so that the rest of the world knows what you’re doing and so that we can get more people on board the rapidly growing solar-charged EV express.
Send your pictures to: editor@solarchargeddriving.com. For video, post it to YouTube or Vimeo and send us the link and we’ll embed it in a future story.
Thank you – and happy Sun Miles® to everyone!
Related articles–>
- Selling solar-charged driving to the world
- This MINI E runs on sun
- Oregon Fred Meyer store goes EV + PV
- Solar-charged driving 101
Like this story? Interested in the solar EV/PHEV synergy? Join our Sun Miles® Club and start meeting & interacting with other people around the world who want to drive, or already are driving, their cars on sun! Register to join us today!