Plug In America and Sierra Club team up

sierra-club-go-electricMore and more green organizations are leaping aboard the EV advocacy express, which, in the U.S. has long been led by the non-profit Plug In America.

Plug In America recently commended the Sierra Club for the statement of support for EVs it issued with the National Wildlife Federation, BlueGreen Alliance and Pew Environment Group.

More than 180 businesses, municipalities and public interest groups have signed the statement, seeking a “strong national electric vehicle advancement program” to increase jobs and decrease pollution and America’s dependence on oil.

Plug In America has been working closely with the Sierra Club to shape the organization’s EV policies.

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EVs reduce emissions
“The Sierra Club applauds Plug In America, whose tireless and effective efforts have played a major role in advancing the electric car industry to the point where virtually every major automaker and several small ones are developing EVs,” said Gina Coplon-Newfield who runs the Sierra Club’s national electric vehicles campaign. “The Sierra Club is pleased to partner with Plug In America on this sign-on statement and many future initiatives to come to promote EVs as an important way to reduce emissions and our dependence on oil.”

Plug In America advocates for plug-in vehicles through legislative initiatives, consumer education, grassroots campaigns and media outreach. Recently, it published its second annual consumer guide to plug-in electric vehicles, created a series of Public Service Announcements now running on Hulu, and produced the nation’s first manual to help local governments devise guidelines for plug-in vehicle charging infrastructure.

“Plug In America is thrilled to see the Sierra Club and each signatory to its statement of EV support exhibit the leadership and collaboration America needs to create a robust and sustainable market for plug-in vehicles,” said Plug In America president Dan Davids. “We all share the profound environmental, economic and national security concerns that plug-in vehicles can so successfully address.”

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