Reflecting on 10 years of SolarChargedDriving.Com — and on 10 years of solar + EV About us September 4, 2019
Independence reasons to solar-charge an EV Christof Demont-Heinrich Why solar-charge? August 13, 2009
After 18 months of HOA process work, I’m finally going solar in Littleton, Colo. Editor's blog May 14, 2022
Questioning the buying-is-better-than-leasing view Christof Demont-Heinrich Solar leasing vs. buying February 6, 2010
Another home solar system now up at Highline Crossing Cohousing in Littleton, Colo. Editor's blog December 20, 2022
Electric car mythbuster: ‘Electric cars are too expensive’ Christof Demont-Heinrich Editor's blog November 9, 2018
Another home solar system now up at Highline Crossing Cohousing in Littleton, Colo. Editor's blog December 20, 2022
Study: EV charge automation could reduce CO2 impact up to 14% in US and 43% in California Editor's blog June 25, 2021
Audi charges forward with 2nd all-electric vehicle, the e-tron Sportback Editor's blog November 19, 2019
GM’s 200 solar EV stations to quadruple U.S. total Christof Demont-Heinrich News features: Solar carports & solar EV charging stations August 4, 2011
I make $66,000 per year and I can afford an electric vehicle — because they’re affordable! Christof Demont-Heinrich Editor's blog March 19, 2022 0After 13 years of advocating for electric vehicles and eight years of driving one, I am still fighting the same battles on misinformation about EVs: One of the biggest myths about EVs is that they are "too expensive."