SolarCity is installing new solar systems at Rabobank branch locations in Atascadero, Castroville, El Centro, Paso Robles, Pismo Beach and Salinas, Calif. The new installations cumulatively total 200 kilowatts of new solar capacity and are expected to offset an estimated 50 percent of Rabobank’s energy use at the six locations.
Several of the solar installations on Rabobank’s California branches are already underway. In 2009, Rabobank and SolarCity collaborated on a series of electric vehicle charging stations co-located at Rabobank branches along highway 101 to connect San Francisco and Los Angeles. The six new solar installations are intended to complete the solar component of the corridor, providing clean, renewable power at or near each EV charging station to offset the electricity needed to charge the vehicles.
“We are committed to supporting solar energy in California, whether on our own branch buildings or with our customers,” said Marco Krapels, executive vice president of Rabobank, N.A. and co-chair of Rabobank, N.A.’s Corporate Social Responsibility committee.
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