As we launch SolarChargedDriving.Com we think it’s helpful to offer readers a bit of an explanation of the various sections and pages that comprise our site.
Home page
We will publish the best, most interesting and important, and latest news features, newswire stories and other editorial content to our home page, or what you might also call our front page.
About us pages
The “about us” pages offer a comparatively detailed rationale for SolarChargedDriving.Com, including explanations of who we are, what we are, and are not, and why we’re here. Also included are short biographies of the faces behind SolarChargedDriving.Com, as well as a short explanation of the web design and development process that has gone into the creation of SolarChargedDriving.Com. You can also find information about advertising on SolarChargedDriving.Com in our About Us section.
Solar-charged driving 101 pages
The “SCD primer” pages focus on the rationale for solar-charging one’s EV or PHEV, how to go about setting yourself up to solar-charge in the first place, and offer a brief overview of SolarChargedDriving.Com editor and founder Christof Demont-Heinrich’s experiences so far with solar-charged driving. We also offer an interactive Google Map which shows you exactly where the growing number of solar-powered plug-in stations are in the U.S. so that you can figure out where you can charge your EV/PHEV on sun. Coming soon: a feature-length story on the history of solar-charged driving.
Going solar pages
The going solar pages offer a general overview of the basics of going solar, SolarChargedDriving.Com editor and founder Christof Demont-Heinrich’s own, ongoing going solar story, a list of questions you might want to ask solar consultants who are hoping to earn your business, a solar resources page which points you toward some useful and interesting web sites focused on solar energy, and finally — we are still building this — a listing of sponsor solar companies according to U.S. state and Canadian province.
EVs/PHEVs pages
On these pages, we provide background on the history of EVs, a listing of helpful resources and web sites focused on EVs and PHEVs, and a guide to mainstream EVs.
FAQs pages
On these pages we attempt to answer common questions people have about going solar, about EVs and PHEVs, and about solar-charging one’s EV and/or PHEV. We have also publish a directory of key terms such as kWh, and li-ion batteries.
News features pages
The “news features” pages comprise the heart of SolarChargedDriving.Com. It’s here that we publish content focused on the stories, faces, personalities, companies, issues, etc. which form the news domain of solar-charged driving. Here, we publish general news stories and features, profiles of individuals and companies, interviews, reviews and analysis of products and companies, editorials, as well as original and guest columns.
Editor’s blog pages
In this section, SolarChargedDriving.Com editor and founder Christof Demont-Heinrich reflects on, and analyzes, the various political, economic, and ideological questions, issues and debates that swirl around solar energy, EVs/PHEVs, and, especially, fossil fuels. He will also reflect, albeit in less political fashion than in the other blog categories, on the process of going solar, as he, and his family, are in fact, right now, in the process of going solar. Currently, the section pages are divided into the following categories: 1) musings on going solar; 2) on sun & fossil fuels; 3) save more for the ride (which focuses on energy efficiency). We will add and/or alter categories as necessary, and per suggestion from readers.
Sun Miles® Club pages
These pages are for you, the readers of SolarChargedDriving.Com.
Contact us pages
This page provides a listing of e-mail addresses at SolarChargedDriving.Com.
Site map
This provides a basic site map of URLs to all the pages on SolarChargedDriving.Com.