After 13 years of advocating for electric vehicles and eight years of driving one, I am still fighting the same battles on misinformation about EVs: One of the biggest myths about EVs is that they are "too expensive."
About 10 years ago, in June of 2010, my ex-wife and I became the first homeowners in our Aurora, Colo. neighborhood to install a rooftop solar system on our single family home.
You can use home solar as your own personal EV charging station, or "gas" station.
Solar charged-driving from Christof Demont-Heinrich I put together a PowerPoint on solar-charged driving to present at my Unitarian Universalist...
We hear a lot about the "cost" of solar when utilities attempt to weaken net metering rules."Solar is only for the wealthy," they say. "Poorer ratepayers subsidize every rooftop solar installation out there." "Why should the poorest ratepayers help pay for a more affluent person's solar system?"
Electric vehicles (EVs) have been on the market for quite some time, and most people who’ve driven an EV love...