Producing extra solar electricity annually while also charging three electric vehicles = priceless! And super green! That’s what we’re doing...
I love it when some electric vehicle advocates contend, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, that the environmental rationale is not the primary rationale for switching from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles.
Not all electric car advocates are motivated by environmentalism. But I am one of those greenie advocates! If we could not power electric cars with 100 percent renewable energy I would have no interest in electric cars. Seriously, none whatsoever!
The graphic to the right, produced by the Facebook-based group, I Love Climate Scientists, pretty much says it all, don’t...
Journalists tend to be obsessed with novelty. Unfortunately, climate change has long since ceased to be a novel problem. But,...
There’s no disputing that running an EV or PHEV fully, or partially on the sun, is far more environmentally friendly...