Democratic Committee denies EV + PV advocate

dnceditors-blog-entry3So, I just published a guest column from long-time EV and EV + PV advocate Paul Scott in which he wrote excitedly about an upcoming opportunity he anticipated having in which he was going to be able to talk to President Obama personally about EVs and solar-charged driving. Scott was planning to pay more than $30,000 to attend a fundraising event at which he could press the flesh with the President.

Turns out Scott won’t be getting his chance. According to a story on Mother Nature Network, the Democratic National Committee has returned Scott’s check. Apprently the right-wing blogsphere was blowing a lot of hot wind (fancy that, eh?) about Scott “paying off” Obama to push his oh-so-outrageous “green” agenda.

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While I have absolutely no love for the right-wing blogosphere, it’s really the DNC that stinks here for caving in to the pressure. It’s not like Scott was going to  actually be able to buy off the President with $36,000. Yes, that’s a large sum of money for an average guy like Scott, and for most of us, but a drop in the political fundraising bucket in a day and age when presidential campaigns cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

A sad decision by the DNC indeed, though perhaps the media attention it’s garnering will generate more awareness of EVs and their potential to both seriously reduce America’s dependence on (foreign) oil and green up the planet.

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