Talking EV + PV at Renewable Energy Forum

Solar-charged driving represents a small but growing trend in the United States and the U.S. solar industry is starting to pay more attention to it.

In fact, one of our primary aims in founding SolarChargedDriving.Com nearly three years ago was to help get more people involved in the solar world to recognize EV + PV. We know that we helped to get solar-charged driving onto the radar at REC Solar, which installed our home solar system in June of 2010.

In fact, I’ll be doing a presentation on solar-charged driving at the American Solar Energy Society’s World Renewable Energy Forum in Denver in May with Cary Hayes, of REC Solar. Joining us will be Jim Jenal, CEO of Run on Sun.

EV + PV = Future of driving
The fact that the WREF accepted our panel, entitled ‘Solar-charged vehicles: The future of driving’, is a good indication of increased awareness about the exciting potential EVs represent for solar and the solar industry, in the U.S. and beyond.

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Cary, Jim and I will be doing an overview of solar-charged driving, discussing what it is, its history, who’s doing it, how many are doing it, why they’re doing it, what solar companies are doing to tap the potential of EV + PV to grow PV, and what the future for solar-charged driving looks like.

Check out the PowerPoint of our presentation embedded at the top of this entry for a clearer sense of what we’ll be looking at and talking about – and for the many great pictures which illustrate how widespread solar-charged driving is becoming!

And, if you’re in the Denver, Colo. area in mid-May, consider coming to WREF at the solar-charged Colorado Convention Center.

Christof Demont-Heinrich
Founder & Editor, SolarChargedDriving.Com
‘Where solar and electric driving merge’

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