A fuel spill we can all live with: Solar

solar-spilleditors-blog-entry3There’s not really much more I can add to the picture graphic running to the right of this column. Produced by “The other 98%”, which describes itself as “a grassroots network of concerned people fed up with the status quo in Washington”, the graphic underscores both the stark differences in the environmental impact of solar and oil, and the free, widespread nature of one natural resource — sun — as opposed to another — oil.

As we’ve noted countless times in the nearly three years SolarChargedDriving.Com has been online, the beauty of the constantly “spilling” solar resource is that it can indeed directly replace that other much less widespread and much dirtier resource, oil, via the electric vehicle + solar PV combination.

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That’s such a cool concept — driving on sunshine — that we should probably come up with an imitation graphic: “There’s been a huge SOLAR ENERGY SPILL!!! Let’s go outside and drive our cars on it!”

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