
SolarChargedDriving.Com launches, promotes synergy between solar, EVs/PHEVs

AURORA, Colo. — SolarChargedDriving.Com, a unique online web site devoted to covering and promoting the synergy between solar energy and EVs (electric vehicles) and PHEVs (plug in hybrid electric vehicles), launched Tuesday, Sept. 22.

SolarChagedDriving.Com seeks to drive EVS/PHEVs, solar energy, and the green economy forward. It also aims to fill a void on today’s world wide web.

“There’s nobody on the web right now who brings the synergy between solar and EVs and PHEVs together in a consistent, focused way — or in a central location,” says SolarChargedDriving.Com Founder Christof Demont-Heinrich. “We want to change that so that we can help drive solar and EVs and PHEVs forward and, more importantly, so that we can help create a greener, cleaner world.”

SolarChargedDriving.Com will be an interactive online news site and community. It will offer readers a mix of how-to information, news feature and newswire coverage, and analysis of the many fascinating — and exciting — questions and issues related to the synergy between solar energy and EVs/PHEVs.

SolarChargedDriving.Com readers and community members will also be able to post comments to stories, make their voices heard through online polls, and interact directly with one another in an online forum. Additionally, they’ll be able to create their own blogs, post pictures and video, and create their own photo and video galleries.

SolarChargedDriving.Com to tap readers’ knowledge and experience
“We don’t want to — and we can’t — promote the solar/EV/PHEV synergy on our own,” notes Demont-Heinrich. “We want to tap the knowledge, experience and enthusiasm of others to help grow and mainstream solar-charged driving. Basically, we want to build an online community where can collectively help grow the green movement in America, and around the world.”

In melding a more traditional magazine and news format with multiple interactive capacities which will enable solar-charged drivers — and those interested in becoming solar-charged drivers — to share their ideas, questions, experiences and individual stories with one another and with the world, SolarChargedDriving.Com aims to contribute to a crucial goal: The mainstreaming of solar-charged driving in the United States and beyond.

“I don’t think very many people are aware of the fact that you can run a car on sun. We really want to help grow that awareness because as soon as people hear they can run their car on sun — and never make another trip to the gas station — they want to do it.”
–Christof Demont-Heinrich, Founder, SolarChargedDriving.Com

“I don’t think very many people are aware of the fact that you can run a car on sun,” says Demont-Heinrich. “We really want to help grow that awareness because as soon as people hear they can run their car on sun — and never make another trip to the gas station — they want to do it.”

As part of its push to mainstream solar-charged driving, SolarChargedDriving.Com also aims to bring together members of the solar energy and EV/PHEV private sector together in one, central, online space where they can communicate with one another as well as with the individuals who comprise the current, and potential, solar-charged driving community, both via advertising on SolarChargedDriving.Com and through contribution of content to the web site.

“We’re really excited about bringing the people who solar-charge EVs and PHEVs as well as those who might want to solar-charge together with the companies that build the green products and technologies that they will want and need,” says Demont-Heinrich.

Solar-charged driving poised to grow substantially
While small right now, the community of solar-charged drivers is poised to grow substantially with the impending mass production of EVs and PHEVs by major automakers in the next few years.

SolarChargedDriving.Com welcomes all who wish to be a part of this exciting and important growth of solar-charged driving to its site, the web’s first online space exclusively devoted to covering, promoting and inter-actively growing the revolutionary synergy between solar energy and EVs/PHEVs.

SolarChargedDriving.Com is founded and created by Christof Demont-Heinrich. A lifelong environmentalist who enjoys birding, biking, hiking, backpacking, camping and other outdoor pursuits, Demont-Heinrich is a journalism professor at the University of Denver. Demont-Heinrich worked as a journalist in the Greater Boston area for eight years, before moving to Fort Collins, Colorado in 1996 where he earned a master’s degree in English. Demont-Heinrich also holds Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Colorado, Boulder (2006).

For more information on SolarChargedDriving.Com, or to submit a question, article, column, event listing, or advertisement for your company and/or product, please send an e-mail inquiry to:

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